Although, Ian was the only one who I work with, share ideas with and assault each others heights, I practically knew bout Melvin and Mike through their very gorgeous, friendly female classmates. But someone at that time really got my attention due to his clean ala Jim Lee style of work, and that guys is Ka'jo Baldisimo.
Ka'jo, by-far is one of the well known comicbook artist in Manila (Philippines). His works with "Trese" titles along with brilliant writer Budjette Tan. Scoring great reviews from art-critics, writer(s) and editor(s). Although, before that book, his artworks was more western style which I really loved. He creates details meticulously that an average artist hate most of the time doing. His strokes were fast and clean that he doesn't need blue led at times. A very good inker too. Ian, Ka'jo, me and some of our classmates when we we're freshmen created a group for comics called "BLOCK COMICS". We created that group to be our flagship, to launch our own original Character(s). We almost pull it through, though lack of funds forced us to shelve the idea the next year.
Back to Ka'jo. Anyway, he is now going international. Tapped by Darkhorse Comics to draw The DEFUSER. Leaping from Stan Lee's hit Sci Fi Channel TV series Who Wants to be a Superhero? onto the comics page -- it's the Defuser in "Future Imperfect!"

No much really said about him on the site, but I am pretty sure we will be awed by his works when we get to see the first issue.
To Ka'jo, Bro...Congratulations! We're so proud of you.
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