As a customer and As a person who trusted a COMPANY to HELP me in small little ways, is now very frustrated.
I just got informed through email that I won't be receiving any payments from them (ADSENSE), because of "Generating Invalid Activity". I just want to know WHY and HOW did they come up with that conclusion?!
I asked friends from all of my social networking site to visit my blog and heavily promoted ADSENSE, and they responded very well. Some of my friends in the U.S. and locally said that the ads are very helpful and they'd come back (some, almost everyday) to check new ads that could be very helpful for them. Specially those in the arts community that I am very much active and which I earn greater amount of money than here. But like everything else that tied up to a big company, you have RESPECT for them and never thought that they'd gonna do this to you.
$100 is so small, YES, very small as an earning for almost 2 years. They can have the $100 and I don't mind. I don't care if I don't get it. They can have it. But I HOPE, they could just give me a specific, very precised report to what really had happened why I did get axed from their payment list.
If they gonna tell me that, because 3 to 5 people on my blog list frequently clicked my ads or in a day all of a sudden they'd all clicked to adsense from my blog, then that is ridiculous! Very ridiculous. I cannot tell them to click or not to click even if I don't have new entry here. Would that be a ground for me (or alot of users of ADSENSE) for them to conclude that I did commit "Generating Invalid Activity"?
So, aslong as I don't have any concrete and defined reason to How or WHY I got my AdSense Account Disabled, I will stick to my mind that "THEY JUST USED ME AS A FREE ADVERTISING ARM TO PROMOTE THEM AND OTHER PEOPLE".
How about you? Haven't you thought about that?
If all of a sudden my blog (this blog), would suddenly disappears, you guys know why. Don't think I removed it.
Robin's postscript: This is a sad development after over a year of admittedly encouraging family and friends to visit our blog and check out the ads. But this be the way this cookie crumbles and we all just best move on.
Still, I can't help but think of how we started out with the Adsense program hoping it could help somehow in defraying the cost of our future wedding. Myke and I both have other means of employment and it's true that $100 dollars would have just been a drop in the bucket in the long run... but, for something this important, every drop counts :(
We're both the eldest children in our families and we both have considerable obligations to meet. We take all sorts of jobs on the side just to help things along, so yeah we're grateful for any reprieve that can come our way.
In any case, we've both learned from this and although we've lost our Google ads, we still have our widgets from Amazon Associates. Basically, if you go to from our blog and place an order, then we get a wee bit back. They've got these adorable widgets too that let us share with you the items we like -- downloadable mp3s mostly :D and DVDs, plus comics but we still need to update our list, eheh.
If you've clicked on our ads, thank you so much. Myke and I have always appreciated your support.

(Photo is of Clawie and me at the last Summerkon ^_^ )
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